Love is in the air!
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner: have you already thought about the menu to enjoy at dinner with your sweetheart?
We have selected 3 serving dishes to help you prepare unique and surprising dishes sublimated by the authentic flavor of our extra virgin olive oil.
Seafood appetizer: Seared octopus on mashed potatoes flavored with new e.v.o. oil
When they say opposites attract…here’s how to pair a seafood product with a land product!
For the procedure, you will simply boil the octopus tentacles quickly and then blanch them on previously oiled plate. For the mash, you will instead have to boil the potatoes, then blend them, and finally flavor them with finely chopped parsley, crushed black pepper, and a drizzle of our new oil-you will charm your partners right away!
First course: Assassina barese with turnip tops
Tradition and innovation: green light to the most important dish of the dinner!
Obtain at least 1 kilogram of turnip greens, then boil them briefly and later blend them to a cream, making sure, however, to keep a few small whole clumps aside. At this point, move on to cooking the pasta: plunge the bronze-drawn spaghetti into theextra-virgin olive oil, let it sauté for at least 5 minutes over medium-high heat, then pour in the turnip greens cream and let it cook, stirring occasionally. After 15 minutes, your pasta will be ready to be plated and enjoyed, but not before embellishing it with the clumps previously kept aside!
Dessert: cake with extra virgin olive oil cream
There is no better dessert than one that pleases the heart, the mind and the palate!
To finish off your dinner with the trimmings, all you need is to prepare a very fluffy sponge cake, perhaps in the shape of a heart to keep with the theme, to be filled later with an extra virgin olive oil cream. Remember to include a good dose of our new oil when preparing the cream, at least 50 g, so as to bring out the fruity taste of thenew oil and turn each piece of cake into a symphony of flavor and sweetness.
We hope our menu suggestions will inspire you to make this Valentine’s Day truly unique. Our extra virgin olive oil, always by your side, is the best ally to make true love triumph!
We wish you all a Valentine’s Day full of love and good taste!

Source: Brown Crusher